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Effective Solutions For Diabetic Retinopathy: What You Need To Know
Diabetes is a medical condition that majorly impacts countless individuals across the globe, usually accompanied by complexities that exceed the standard blood sugar levels. One of the most concerning issues
क्या बिना सर्जरी के मोतियाबिंद का इलाज किया जा सकता है ?
यदि आपने भी कभी धुँधली दृष्टि का अनुभव किया है और आपकी आंखों की दृष्टि धीरे-धीरे कमज़ोर हो रही है तो यह सामान्य आंख की परिस्थिति हो सकती है |
5 Steps that Prevent from Diabetic Eye Disease
Diabetes can affect millions of people every year. According to several reports, diabetes is a growing health concern and affects 30 million people across the country. As per studies, many
7 Tips for Ensuring a Healthy Vision with Chopra Nethralaya
Eyes are perhaps one of our most sensitive and precious organs, They allow us to see the beauty in our world as clearly as possible. We can view the wonders
Latest Treatment For Dry Eye Syndrome
Dry eye syndrome is a chronic condition in which the eyes can not produce enough tears as they dry. Researchers are trying their best to find the most feasible eye
Important Tips To Prevent Eye Strain While You Are Working From Home
Are you also working from home? Well!! Then according to the best eye specialist in Ludhiana, you should be taking good care of your eyes, since the eyes can be